Spring session introduction/intermediate weaving on the floor loom

Spring session introduction/intermediate weaving on the floor loom
Monday evenings 6:00-9:00pm January 20th- March 10th
8-week course with Sam Fields.
This course is an introduction to weaving on the floor loom. We will learn the basics of weaving, including warp preparation, dressing the loom, and basic loom-controlled/weaver-controlled weaves. We will look at the use of weaving in contemporary art as well as historical uses. Participants will make a series of samples to help them grasp the workings of the loom and different materials experimentation is encouraged. Participants will be challenged to think about craft, concept, and formal issues within their work. The studio is open on Sundays 2-6pm for working outside of class.
All supplies are covered in the cost of the workshop.
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